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Improving School IT
As easy as A, Bee, CThe use of technology in schools is essential to inspiring and educating this generation of learners.Bee IT Solutions provides a comprehensive set of affordable IT solutions for schools and other learning-based institutions.Education IT Support Services:HardwareMicrosoft 365 IT AuditsIT SafeguardingWhether you’re looking into IT support providers for the first time, or want […]
Veeam – Data Protection Trends 2022
The Veeam Data Protection Trends 2022 white paper is the largest data protection industry report.3,000+ business and IT leaders were surveyed on their IT and data protection strategies, including their plans for 2022.89% of organisations have a protection gap76% of organisations had at least one ransomware attack last year 36% of data is unrecoverable after a cyberattackLearn how business and IT […]
Sophos – The State of Ransomware 2022
Discover the latest developments in attacks, encrypted data, and ransoms.This year’s annual report from Sophos reveals how ransomware attacks have evolved over the last 12 months.Discover the current rate of attack, how often data is encrypted, and how much data can be restored. Plus, they reveal the changing realities of ransom payments for mid-sized organisations […]
We’re hiring – IT Helpdesk Engineer
Due to continued growth, we’re recruiting for an IT Helpdesk Engineer. Bee IT Solutions is a well established IT systems and cloud services provider. We are recruiting a talented, self-motivated and experienced individual for 2nd Line IT support role to join the business based in Morley, Leeds, West Yorkshire. We offer IT consultancy, helpdesk support, […]
Cyber Essentials Certification
Protect your organisation against the most common Cyber AttacksThe threat of cyber security is real. Bee IT Solutions can help you protect private files, customer data, employee details and financial information from being at risk of being stolen or permanently deleted by criminals.We can also help you become Cyber Essentials Certified and listed on the […]
Upgrade to Business Class VOIP
Switch to a NEW Phone System & SAVE money todayBy 2025 traditional ISDN will be switched OFF*. Migrate your business now and we will do everything for you. Upgrading now will save you money and give your business the powerful benefits of the cloud.Bee IT Solutions manage the switchoverNo downtime during switch, your numbers will […]
Cyber Attack Simulation
How susceptible is your company to a Cyber Attack? Bee IT Solutions are Cyber Security experts with a focus firmly on improving your cyber security posture. Our Cyber Attack Simulation imitates an attack against your organisation using the methods, tools and techniques as utilised by a real-life Cyber Attacker. The service is delivered as follows: […]